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Snippets Groups Projects
  1. Dec 22, 2014
  2. Dec 15, 2014
  3. Oct 31, 2014
  4. Sep 13, 2014
    • Zealar's avatar
      BETA: More fixes about consume items · a487f1bd
      Zealar authored
        * New system for detect from where item need to be consume
        * Most items/skill is checked
        * Some bad data is fixed
        * Five-Year Anniversary boxes fixed (wrong freya data)
        Thanks to Sdw for the ideas.
  5. Sep 10, 2014
    • Zealar's avatar
      BETA: Fix consumation items. · cd804bfc
      Zealar authored
        * CAPSULE items consume 1 item always
        * SKILL_REDUCE
        	* Potion consume 1 item always
        	* Elixir consume 1 item only when have immediate effect
        * Other is handle by skill they call consume only if skill got option for it.
  6. Aug 11, 2014
  7. Jul 16, 2014
  8. Mar 24, 2014
    • Adry_85's avatar
      BETA: DP-part for [L6488]. · 4f08c1de
      Adry_85 authored
      	* Fixing `CrystalType` and `MaterialType` inside xml to upper case
      		* Patch by Nos
      Reviewed by: Nos, !UnAfraid, Zoey76
  9. Mar 04, 2014
  10. Mar 01, 2014
  11. Feb 13, 2014
  12. Jan 24, 2014
  13. Jan 16, 2014
    • Zoey76's avatar
      BETA: Datapack part for [L6347]: · 4ed8a319
      Zoey76 authored
       	* Unhardcoded potions, elixires and herbs.
       		* Fixed "A Bottle of Souls" item, stopping the player's movement upon usage.
       			* Reported by: Tavo22
  14. Oct 27, 2013
    • Zoey76's avatar
      BETA: Skill and effect system complete rework: · cdfeacf8
      Zoey76 authored
      	* Renamed `L2Effect` to `AbstractEffect`.
      	* No more dynamic creation of effects (Huge performance and memory boost!).
      		* Removed all traces or reflection on run time!
      	* Removed `EffectTemplate`, merged with `AbstractEffect`.
      	* Reworked and externalized all the logic from `AbstractEffect` that handled effect ticking.
      	* Reviewed all "over time" skills:
      		* `Flag` effect does not have ticks and doesn't need onActionTime() defined.
      		* '''Fixed DOT (damage over time), MDOT (mana damage over time), HOT (heal over time), MHOT (mana heal over time) skills.'''
      			* Reported by: Tavo22, Snip
      		* `FakeDeath` effect should only last forever (or while conditions are met) if it's a toggle skill.
      		* `Relax` effect should only last forever (or while conditions are met) if it's a toggle skill.
      	* Removed `EffectState` enumerated and the nasty switch associated to it!
      	* Removed "lambda" support from effects, the default attribute `val` is now double.
      		* Removed val="0", now `val`'s default value is zero, no need to declare it explicitely.
      	* '''Removed''' `noicon` '''attribute from effects, icon is not related to effects, but to the skill.''
      	* Renamed `AbnormalEffect` enumerated to `AbnormalVisualEffect`.
      	* Removed `EffectDurationHolder` DTO.
      	* Removed getFirstEffect(int), skills can be stoped by skill ID or `AbnormalType`.
      	* Reworked (again) `CharEffectList`:
      		* Using maps as underlying implementation, '''reduced drastically iterations''' (Hash tables offer 0(1) in most operations).
      			* Using Javolution's `FastMap`, due Java lacks a default implementation that is ordered by insert order, thread-safe and concurrent safe.
      		* Separated all kind of skills into buffs, triggers, dances, debuffs, passive.
      		* Using Double-locked checking, useless instantiation of maps is avoided.
      		* Improved buff counting operations (no more iterations over every effect every time you get a new one to know if you reached maximum count).
      		* Removed getEffects() and all temporary list/map creations.
      		* '''Reworked the way buffs are inserted preventing iterations and correcting exceptions while finding the correct index to insert the buff.'''
      	* Reworked `Formulas`#calcEffectAbnormalTime(Env env)
      	* Fixed `L2CubicInstance`#useCubic<Skill Type>(..), this methods are not static, then they don't need to recieve a `L2CubicInstance` as parameter.
      	* Implemented `BuffInfo`, modeled from retail's implementation with minor changes to fit our implementation.
      		* Complex DTO that holds all the information for a given buff (or debuff or dance/song) set of effects issued by an skill.
      		* Controls the logic of the buffs.
      	* Removed a few of `L2EffectType`.
      	* Improved a bit `L2BabyPetInstance` skill casting related logic, reduced iterations and simplified the code.
      	* Implemented `EffectTaskInfo`, DTO to hold the effect task (Maybe this will change later).
      	* Implemented `EffectTickTask` runnable task to control ticking logic.
      	* Removed "after effect" implementation, totally useless.
      		* Suggested by: UnAfraid
      	* Removed all the `L2Skill`#getEffects(..) methods replaced with L2Skill#applyEffects(..).
      	* Moved "can be stolen" logic to `L2Skill`, it isn't related to the effect, but to the skill.
      	* Added "Refresh" button on admin panel to check buffs easily.
      	* Added admin command "admin_getbuff_ps" to check effects from passive skills.
      	* Improved performance in `DispelBySlot` and `DispelBySlotProbability` effects.
      	* Fixed minor typo in `DispelBySlot` and `DispelBySlotProbability` effects, there are values over `Byte.MAX_VALUE`.
      	* '''Added retail support for Herbs, when a lesser buff is replaced by an herb, it becomes inactive, but it's timer continues, when the Herb buff finishes if the lesser buff has time it becomes active untill completes it's time.'''
      		* Time does not pause, it just continues in the background.
      		* Effects does not stack.
      		* Reported by: Nos
      	* '''Fixed Herbs, they shouldn't display gauge bar (casting bar) upon usage.'''
      		* Reported by: Nos
      	* '''Fixed Herbs not removing lesser effect icon, leading to players belive that buffs stack...'''
      		* Reported by: Tavo22, evets, u3games, pandragon
      	* '''Fixing instant effects being added to the effect list, and removing buffs present on the list.'''
      		* Reported by: Tavo22
      	* '''Fixed "Short Buff" slot (slot for healing potions).'''
      		* Statified reset packet (reduced object creation, a lot!).
      		* Removed task to reset `ShortBuffStatusUpdate`, let's use buff ending task for that.
      		* Moved logic to `CharEffectList` instead of `L2PcInstance` + `ItemSkillsTemplate`.
      		* Reported by: JMD, Gries, Cresceus
      	* Fixed `StealAbnormal` effect logic and `Formulas`#calcCancelStealEffects(..).
      		* Improved buffs doesn't stack anymore with normal (lesser) buffs.
      		* Now all effects are excecuted including instant effects (if they are successfuly applied).
      		* Reported by: Adry_85
      	* `BlockChat` effect shouldn't be instant!
      	* Fixed system messages related to skills (success, fail, removal, ending).
      	* Improved `AdminBuffs`, more information is displayed:
      		* Blocked abnormal skill types (if any)
      		* Total buff count.
      		* Hidden buff count.
      		* Inactive effects (in red)
      		* Skill level next to the name.
      	* '''Rewritten''' `EffectMasterHandler` '''to avoid reflection where it's useless.'''
      	* Since `L2EffectType` is scheduled to be removed:
      		* `AbstractEffect`#getEffectType() is not abstract anymore, now returns L2EffectType.NONE by default.
      	* '''Fixing debuffs working on "white players" with control.'''
      		* Patch by: nBd (minor changes by Zoey76)
      		* Reported by: plasan, jungla56, St3eT, Tavo22, Konstantinos, pandragon
      	* '''Fixed exploit on restore summon feature that allows players to dupe summons.'''
      		* Unhardcoding `canSummon` condition.
      		* Reported by: Janiko
      	* '''Fixed Arcane Shield getting stuck after being stolen.'''
      		* Reported by: valanths1990, nBd, freestyler, Gries
      	* '''Fixed triggered skills that got stacked within the same ID and different level.'''
      		* Reported by: nBd, lucan, blacksea, Gries
      Tested by: Nos, Captain, Janiko, Konstantinos, Lucan, UnAfraid, Zoey76
      '''Note to developers 1:''' Instant effects shouldn't override onExit(!BuffInfo).
      '''Note to developers 2:''' Is not required to call super.onStart() or super.onExit() to add/remove abnormal visual effects anymore, it's done on an indepent method.
      '''Note to developers 3:''' Do not add "steal constructor", such thing is not required anymore.
  15. Apr 27, 2013
    • Zoey76's avatar
      BETA: Effect rework: · c5c99945
      Zoey76 authored
      	* Complete rework of !CharEffectList.
      		* Mimicking "List" operations, remove(..), add(..), isEmpty()...
      		* Thread-safe.
      			* Using reentrant locks for read/write operations.
      		* Removed cache-array, wasn't working.
      		* Removed useless methods.
      		* Removed queue, wrong implementation was leading to wrong updates in effect lists.
      		* Now effects from skills are managed in batches, less calls to methods, avoiding overhead from synchronization and keeping abnormal type groups safe.
      		* Support for blocked buff slots, no more hacks!
      			* Implemented proper effect.
      		* No more dependence on Javolution.
      		* !JavaDocs!
      	* Abnormal type, level and time are global to the skill and not specific to each effect.
      		* Keeping support to customize each effect duration time, needs testing.
      	* Added abnormal type enum, no more strings.
      		* Removed overhead from string comparison.
      	* !EffectTemplate rework:
      		* No more public fields, we use mutators and accessors to work with them!
      		* Func list to List instead of array.
      			* Avoid CPU overhead, System.arraycopy(..).
      		* Removed unused transform parameters.
      		* !JavaDocs!
      	* L2Skill rework:
      		* No more dependence on Javolution.
      		* Func and Effect lists to List instead of array.
      		* Removed some useless effect type related method from skills.
      		* Removed custom restriction for stolen effect with current duration less than 5 seconds.
      		* If NPE appear they have to be properly fixed, no more hacks!
      		* Updated toString() method.
      		* !JavaDocs!
      	* L2Effect rework:
      		* Effects do not store static data from template!
      		* Removed unused transform parameters.
      		* Removed "passive effect" related methods, effect is passive if skill is passive.
      		* Removed "buff"/"debuff" related method from effects, skills are buffs or debuffs not effects.
      		* Updated toString() method.
      		* Removed effectCanBeStolen() method, now canBeStolen() is overridden in effect implementations in Datapack.
      		* !JavaDocs!
      	* L2Item minor rework:
      		* Func and Effect lists to List instead of array.
      			* Avoid CPU overhead, System.arraycopy(..).
      		* No more dependence on Javolution.
      		* Now _questEvents is initialized only if it's used, not for all items!
      	* L2Weapon fixes:
      		* Fixed bug in getSkillEffects(L2Character, L2Character, L2Skill) returning always empty array of effects!
      		* Func and Effect lists to List instead of array.
      			* Avoid CPU overhead, System.arraycopy(..).
      		* No more dependence on Javolution.
      	* Reworked "get func" methods to avoid toArray(..) calls.
      	* Proper use of maps, no more iteration over keys and retrieving the value using get method.
      	* Externalized formula to calculate current effect duration to Formulas class.
      	* Static fields are upper case.
      	* Adding button to reload effects, '''must be follow by skill reload and probably player restart''' to ensure there is no memory-leftovers.
      	* Fixing skill Frintezza's Songs(5008) abnormal types.
      	* Fixing minor bug with High Five GM skills.
      	* Added name to effect list from admin panel, fixed other minor glitches.
      	* Removed old and classing GM menu.
      	* Updated logs and comments.
      Reviewed by: Adry_85, MELERIX
      Testing video:
  16. Jan 08, 2013
    • Zoey76's avatar
      BETA: L2J !DataPack's license update: · 1ad03aa5
      Zoey76 authored
      	* Proper GPLv3 license.
      	* Updated all Java DP files.
      	* Added missing license to the following files:
      		* !FirstClassTransferTalk
      		* !AdminInstanceZone
      	* Updated Eclipse preferences for new files (header).
      		* ''Same'' settings as Core.
  17. Nov 03, 2012
  18. Sep 23, 2012
    • Zoey76's avatar
      BETA: Implementation of reuse delay for items and item skills for pets. · c57c57da
      Zoey76 authored
      	* Independent reuse delay from masters (fix bug with shared reuse time).
      	* Implemented for items.
      	* Implemented for skills.
      	* It doesn't show system messages (retail like) when pet has reuse time for items or skills.
      	* Fixed bug with pets not getting herbs.
      	* Removed custom system messages.
      	* Unhardcoded some shop Ids.
      Reported by: Tavo22, u3games, valdaron
      Tested by: Zoey76, valdaron, MELERIX
  19. Jun 03, 2012
  20. May 12, 2012
  21. May 09, 2012
  22. Feb 18, 2012
    • Zoey76's avatar
      BETA: Moving extractable skill handler to effects: · bfcc8982
      Zoey76 authored
      	* Improved formatter a bit.
      	* Implemented RestorationRandom effect.
      		* Unhardcoded for target, now a player can extract items into it's target depending on skill's target type.
      	* Fixed some typos on AdminEventEngine HTML dynamic build.
      	* Removed debug messages from ItemSkillsTemplate.
      	* Removed extractable skill handler.
      	* Fixed OracleTeleport teleport.
      	* Replaced all skill types for extractable skills with DUMMY, and added RestorationRandom effect.
    • Zoey76's avatar
      BETA: Datapack part for [L5180]: · caabf5e8
      Zoey76 authored
      	* Wondrous Cubic - 1 time use should be consumed upon usage.
      	* Added more missing GPL notices.
      	* Implemented Calculator item handler.
      	* Moved some high time reuses from items skills to it's items, it's a temp fix for missing global skill reuse, since item reuse is global to all classes.
      	* Removed custom check based on skill type for Extractable skills with high reuse not being able to be used in sub-classes.
  23. Jan 25, 2012
  24. Jan 24, 2012
  25. Jan 19, 2012
  26. Jan 07, 2012
    • Zoey76's avatar
      BETA: Datapack refactoring: · 02f3887a
      Zoey76 authored
      	* Using same Code warning/error configuration than core.
      	* Fixed respective warnings and errors.
      	* Fixing Extractable Skills restriction properly.
      		1. Unhardcode Skills Ids.
      		1. Now only Item Skills are restricted.
      		1. Items with consume count won't be consumed without giving the reward.
      		1. Applied to reuse time greater than 5 seconds, there is no point on restrict item skills with less reuse time.
      		1. Unhardcoded system message for item reward.
      	* Hellbound fixes:
      		1. Hellbound should start closed at server start (level 0), thanks Trev.
      		1. Quarry ClassCastException fix.
      	* Q290_ThreatRemoval removed unnecessary int cast.
      	* Q636_TruthBeyond proper method to get an int.
      	* Skill Santa Claus' Gift - Luck(22018) typo fix.
  27. Nov 23, 2011
  28. Nov 15, 2011
  29. Sep 26, 2011
  30. Aug 04, 2011
  31. Apr 16, 2011
  32. Apr 15, 2011