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 * Copyright © 2004-2020 L2J Server
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 * This file is part of L2J Server.
 * L2J Server is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
 * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
 * (at your option) any later version.
 * L2J Server is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
 * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
 * General Public License for more details.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
 * along with this program. If not, see <>.
package com.l2jserver.loginserver;

import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8;
import static;

import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Base64;
import java.util.Collection;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.concurrent.ConcurrentHashMap;

import javax.crypto.Cipher;

import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import com.l2jserver.commons.database.ConnectionFactory;
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import com.l2jserver.commons.util.Rnd;
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import com.l2jserver.loginserver.GameServerTable.GameServerInfo;
import com.l2jserver.loginserver.config.Configuration;
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 * Login Controller.
 * @author Zoey76
 * @version
public class LoginController {
	private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(LoginController.class);
	/** Time before kicking the client if he didn't logged yet */
	public static final int LOGIN_TIMEOUT = 60 * 1000;
	/** Authed Clients on LoginServer */
	protected Map<String, L2LoginClient> _loginServerClients = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
	private final Map<InetAddress, Integer> _failedLoginAttemps = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
	private final Map<InetAddress, Long> _bannedIps = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
	protected ScrambledKeyPair[] _keyPairs;
	protected byte[][] _blowfishKeys;
	private static final int BLOWFISH_KEYS = 20;
	// SQL Queries
	private static final String USER_INFO_SELECT = "SELECT login, password, IF(? > value OR value IS NULL, accessLevel, -1) AS accessLevel, lastServer FROM accounts LEFT JOIN (account_data) ON (account_data.account_name=accounts.login AND account_data.var=\"ban_temp\") WHERE login=?";
	private static final String AUTOCREATE_ACCOUNTS_INSERT = "INSERT INTO accounts (login, password, lastactive, accessLevel, lastIP) values (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)";
	private static final String ACCOUNT_INFO_UPDATE = "UPDATE accounts SET lastactive = ?, lastIP = ? WHERE login = ?";
	private static final String ACCOUNT_LAST_SERVER_UPDATE = "UPDATE accounts SET lastServer = ? WHERE login = ?";
	private static final String ACCOUNT_ACCESS_LEVEL_UPDATE = "UPDATE accounts SET accessLevel = ? WHERE login = ?";
	private static final String ACCOUNT_IPS_UPDATE = "UPDATE accounts SET pcIp = ?, hop1 = ?, hop2 = ?, hop3 = ?, hop4 = ? WHERE login = ?";
	private static final String ACCOUNT_IPAUTH_SELECT = "SELECT * FROM accounts_ipauth WHERE login = ?";
	private LoginController() {"Loading Login Controller...");
		_keyPairs = new ScrambledKeyPair[10];
		try {
			final var keygen = KeyPairGenerator.getInstance("RSA");
			final var spec = new RSAKeyGenParameterSpec(1024, F4);
			for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
				_keyPairs[i] = new ScrambledKeyPair(keygen.generateKeyPair());
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			testCipher((RSAPrivateKey) _keyPairs[0].getPair().getPrivate());
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		} catch (Exception ex) {
			LOG.error("There has been an error loading the key pairs!", ex);
		// Store keys for blowfish communication
		Thread purge = new PurgeThread();
	 * This is mostly to force the initialization of the Crypto Implementation, avoiding it being done on runtime when its first needed.<BR>
	 * In short it avoids the worst-case execution time on runtime by doing it on loading.
	 * @param key Any private RSA Key just for testing purposes.
	private void testCipher(RSAPrivateKey key) throws Exception {
		// avoid worst-case execution, KenM
		Cipher rsaCipher = Cipher.getInstance("RSA/ECB/nopadding");
		rsaCipher.init(Cipher.DECRYPT_MODE, key);
	private void generateBlowFishKeys() {
		_blowfishKeys = new byte[BLOWFISH_KEYS][16];
		for (int i = 0; i < BLOWFISH_KEYS; i++) {
			for (int j = 0; j < _blowfishKeys[i].length; j++) {
				_blowfishKeys[i][j] = (byte) (Rnd.nextInt(255) + 1);
		}"Stored {} keys for Blowfish communication.", _blowfishKeys.length);
	public byte[] getBlowfishKey() {
		return _blowfishKeys[(int) (Math.random() * BLOWFISH_KEYS)];
	public SessionKey assignSessionKeyToClient(String account, L2LoginClient client) {
		SessionKey key;
		key = new SessionKey(Rnd.nextInt(), Rnd.nextInt(), Rnd.nextInt(), Rnd.nextInt());
		_loginServerClients.put(account, client);
		return key;
	public void removeAuthedLoginClient(String account) {
		if (account == null) {
	public L2LoginClient getAuthedClient(String account) {
		return _loginServerClients.get(account);
	public AccountInfo retriveAccountInfo(InetAddress clientAddr, String login, String password) {
		return retriveAccountInfo(clientAddr, login, password, true);
	private void recordFailedLoginAttemp(InetAddress addr) {
		final var failedLoginAttemps = _failedLoginAttemps.getOrDefault(addr, 0) + 1;
		_failedLoginAttemps.put(addr, failedLoginAttemps);
		if (failedLoginAttemps >= Configuration.getInstance().server().getLoginTryBeforeBan()) {
			addBanForAddress(addr, Configuration.getInstance().server().getLoginBlockAfterBan() * 1000);
			// we need to clear the failed login attempts here, so after the ip ban is over the client has another 5 attempts
			LOG.warn("Added banned address {}, too many login attemps!", addr.getHostAddress());
	private void clearFailedLoginAttemps(InetAddress addr) {
	private AccountInfo retriveAccountInfo(InetAddress addr, String login, String password, boolean autoCreateIfEnabled) {
		try {
			final var md = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA");
			final var raw = password.getBytes(UTF_8);
			final var hashBase64 = Base64.getEncoder().encodeToString(md.digest(raw));
			try (var con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
				var ps = con.prepareStatement(USER_INFO_SELECT)) {
				ps.setString(1, Long.toString(System.currentTimeMillis()));
				ps.setString(2, login);
				try (var rs = ps.executeQuery()) {
					if ( {
						if (Configuration.getInstance().server().isDebug()) {"Account {} exists.", login);
						final var info = new AccountInfo(rs.getString("login"), rs.getString("password"), rs.getInt("accessLevel"), rs.getInt("lastServer"));
						if (!info.checkPassHash(hashBase64)) {
							return null;
						return info;
			if (!autoCreateIfEnabled || !Configuration.getInstance().server().autoCreateAccounts()) {
				// account does not exist and auto create account is not desired
				return null;
			try (var con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
				var ps = con.prepareStatement(AUTOCREATE_ACCOUNTS_INSERT)) {
				ps.setString(1, login);
				ps.setString(2, hashBase64);
				ps.setLong(3, System.currentTimeMillis());
				ps.setInt(4, 0);
				ps.setString(5, addr.getHostAddress());
			} catch (Exception ex) {
				LOG.warn("There has been an error auto-creating the account {}!", login, ex);
				return null;
			}"Auto-created account {}.", login);
			return retriveAccountInfo(addr, login, password, false);
		} catch (Exception ex) {
			LOG.warn("There has been an error getting account info for {}!", login, ex);
			return null;
	public AuthLoginResult tryCheckinAccount(L2LoginClient client, InetAddress address, AccountInfo info) {
		if (info.getAccessLevel() < 0) {
			return AuthLoginResult.ACCOUNT_BANNED;
		AuthLoginResult ret = AuthLoginResult.INVALID_PASSWORD;
		// check auth
		if (canCheckin(client, address, info)) {
			// login was successful, verify presence on Gameservers
			ret = AuthLoginResult.ALREADY_ON_GS;
			if (!isAccountInAnyGameServer(info.getLogin())) {
				// account isnt on any GS verify LS itself
				ret = AuthLoginResult.ALREADY_ON_LS;
				if (_loginServerClients.putIfAbsent(info.getLogin(), client) == null) {
					ret = AuthLoginResult.AUTH_SUCCESS;
		return ret;
	 * Adds the address to the ban list of the login server, with the given end time in milliseconds.
	 * @param address The Address to be banned.
	 * @param expiration Timestamp in milliseconds when this ban expires
	 * @throws UnknownHostException if the address is invalid.
	public void addBanForAddress(String address, long expiration) throws Exception {
		_bannedIps.putIfAbsent(InetAddress.getByName(address), expiration);
	 * Adds the address to the ban list of the login server, with the given duration.
	 * @param address The Address to be banned.
	 * @param duration is milliseconds
	public void addBanForAddress(InetAddress address, long duration) {
		_bannedIps.putIfAbsent(address, System.currentTimeMillis() + duration);
	public boolean isBannedAddress(InetAddress address) throws Exception {
		String[] parts = address.getHostAddress().split("\\.");
		Long bi = _bannedIps.get(address);
		if (bi == null) {
			bi = _bannedIps.get(InetAddress.getByName(parts[0] + "." + parts[1] + "." + parts[2] + ".0"));
		if (bi == null) {
			bi = _bannedIps.get(InetAddress.getByName(parts[0] + "." + parts[1] + ".0.0"));
		if (bi == null) {
			bi = _bannedIps.get(InetAddress.getByName(parts[0] + ".0.0.0"));
		if (bi != null) {
			if ((bi > 0) && (bi < System.currentTimeMillis())) {
				_bannedIps.remove(address);"Removed expired IP address ban {}.", address.getHostAddress());
				return false;
			return true;
		return false;
	public Map<InetAddress, Long> getBannedIps() {
		return _bannedIps;
	 * Remove the specified address from the ban list
	 * @param address The address to be removed from the ban list
	 * @return true if the ban was removed, false if there was no ban for this ip
	public boolean removeBanForAddress(InetAddress address) {
		return _bannedIps.remove(address) != null;
	 * Remove the specified address from the ban list
	 * @param address The address to be removed from the ban list
	 * @return true if the ban was removed, false if there was no ban for this ip or the address was invalid.
	public boolean removeBanForAddress(String address) {
		try {
			return this.removeBanForAddress(InetAddress.getByName(address));
		} catch (Exception e) {
			return false;
	public SessionKey getKeyForAccount(String account) {
		L2LoginClient client = _loginServerClients.get(account);
		if (client != null) {
			return client.getSessionKey();
		return null;
	public boolean isAccountInAnyGameServer(String account) {
		Collection<GameServerInfo> serverList = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServers().values();
		for (GameServerInfo gsi : serverList) {
			GameServerThread gst = gsi.getGameServerThread();
			if ((gst != null) && gst.hasAccountOnGameServer(account)) {
				return true;
		return false;
	public GameServerInfo getAccountOnGameServer(String account) {
		Collection<GameServerInfo> serverList = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServers().values();
		for (GameServerInfo gsi : serverList) {
			GameServerThread gst = gsi.getGameServerThread();
			if ((gst != null) && gst.hasAccountOnGameServer(account)) {
				return gsi;
		return null;
	public void getCharactersOnAccount(String account) {
		Collection<GameServerInfo> serverList = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServers().values();
		for (GameServerInfo gsi : serverList) {
			if (gsi.isAuthed()) {
	public boolean isLoginPossible(L2LoginClient client, int serverId) {
		GameServerInfo gsi = GameServerTable.getInstance().getRegisteredGameServerById(serverId);
		int access = client.getAccessLevel();
		if ((gsi != null) && gsi.isAuthed()) {
			boolean loginOk = ((gsi.getCurrentPlayerCount() < gsi.getMaxPlayers()) && (gsi.getStatus() != ServerStatus.STATUS_GM_ONLY)) || (access > 0);
			if (loginOk && (client.getLastServer() != serverId)) {
				try (var con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
					var ps = con.prepareStatement(ACCOUNT_LAST_SERVER_UPDATE)) {
					ps.setInt(1, serverId);
					ps.setString(2, client.getAccount());
				} catch (Exception ex) {
					LOG.warn("There has been an error setting last server for account {}!", client.getAccount(), ex);
			return loginOk;
		return false;
	public void setAccountAccessLevel(String account, int banLevel) {
		try (var con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
			var ps = con.prepareStatement(ACCOUNT_ACCESS_LEVEL_UPDATE)) {
			ps.setInt(1, banLevel);
			ps.setString(2, account);
		} catch (Exception ex) {
			LOG.warn("There has been an error setting account level for account {}!", account, ex);
	public void setAccountLastTracert(String account, String pcIp, String hop1, String hop2, String hop3, String hop4) {
		try (var con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
			var ps = con.prepareStatement(ACCOUNT_IPS_UPDATE)) {
			ps.setString(1, pcIp);
			ps.setString(2, hop1);
			ps.setString(3, hop2);
			ps.setString(4, hop3);
			ps.setString(5, hop4);
			ps.setString(6, account);
		} catch (Exception ex) {
			LOG.warn("There has been an error setting last tracert for account {}!", account, ex);
	public void setCharactersOnServer(String account, int charsNum, long[] timeToDel, int serverId) {
		final var client = _loginServerClients.get(account);
		if (client == null) {
		if (charsNum > 0) {
			client.setCharsOnServ(serverId, charsNum);
		if (timeToDel.length > 0) {
			client.serCharsWaitingDelOnServ(serverId, timeToDel);
	 * This method returns one of the cached {@link ScrambledKeyPair ScrambledKeyPairs} for communication with Login Clients.
	 * @return a scrambled keypair
	public ScrambledKeyPair getScrambledRSAKeyPair() {
		return _keyPairs[Rnd.nextInt(10)];
	 * @param client the client
	 * @param address client host address
	 * @param info the account info to checkin
	 * @return true when ok to checkin, false otherwise
	public boolean canCheckin(L2LoginClient client, InetAddress address, AccountInfo info) {
		try {
			List<InetAddress> ipWhiteList = new ArrayList<>();
			List<InetAddress> ipBlackList = new ArrayList<>();
			try (var con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
				var ps = con.prepareStatement(ACCOUNT_IPAUTH_SELECT)) {
				ps.setString(1, info.getLogin());
				try (ResultSet rset = ps.executeQuery()) {
					String ip, type;
					while ( {
						ip = rset.getString("ip");
						type = rset.getString("type");
						if (!isValidIPAddress(ip)) {
						} else if (type.equals("allow")) {
						} else if (type.equals("deny")) {
			// Check IP
			if (!ipWhiteList.isEmpty() || !ipBlackList.isEmpty()) {
				if (!ipWhiteList.isEmpty() && !ipWhiteList.contains(address)) {
					LOG.warn("Account checkin attemp from address {} not present on whitelist for account {}!", address.getHostAddress(), info.getLogin());
					return false;
				if (!ipBlackList.isEmpty() && ipBlackList.contains(address)) {
					LOG.warn("Account checkin attemp from address {} on blacklist for account {}!", address.getHostAddress(), info.getLogin());
					return false;
			try (var con = ConnectionFactory.getInstance().getConnection();
				var ps = con.prepareStatement(ACCOUNT_INFO_UPDATE)) {
				ps.setLong(1, System.currentTimeMillis());
				ps.setString(2, address.getHostAddress());
				ps.setString(3, info.getLogin());
			return true;
		} catch (Exception ex) {
			LOG.warn("There has been an error loging in!", ex);
			return false;
	public boolean isValidIPAddress(String ipAddress) {
		String[] parts = ipAddress.split("\\.");
		if (parts.length != 4) {
			return false;
		for (String s : parts) {
			int i = Integer.parseInt(s);
			if ((i < 0) || (i > 255)) {
				return false;
		return true;
	class PurgeThread extends Thread {
		public PurgeThread() {
		public void run() {
			while (!isInterrupted()) {
				for (L2LoginClient client : _loginServerClients.values()) {
					if (client == null) {
					if ((client.getConnectionStartTime() + LOGIN_TIMEOUT) < System.currentTimeMillis()) {
				try {
					Thread.sleep(LOGIN_TIMEOUT / 2);
				} catch (InterruptedException e) {
	public static enum AuthLoginResult {
	public static LoginController getInstance() {
		return SingletonHolder.INSTANCE;
	private static class SingletonHolder {
		protected static final LoginController INSTANCE = new LoginController();